Blogging Vs YouTube: Which One Should You Start In 2023?

Are you planning to earn money online? Are You confused about whether to start blogging or create a YouTube Channel? If yes, then you are on the right page.

Trust me, this confusion is not only yours. There could be many people who are in the same dilemma.

So, let’s clear up this confusion and figure out which one is best for making money online between Blogging Vs YouTube.

Many of us usually start focusing on both platforms and some prefer to concentrate on one platform. That’s when the big question comes into the picture. Which is the best for making money?

Who does not wants to earn some extra money apart from the regular job? People are now more focused on finding options for making some money online.

Unfortunately, there was hardly any platform before where we can explore our potential. With the entry of YouTube, things have changed drastically although blogging was available well before YouTube.

What Is Blogging

Blogging is a way of sharing your knowledge through websites. People publish posts on their websites and index them to search engines.

When visitors search for articles based on the keywords that your post contains, your post gets popped up in their search results.

Now based on the monetization method that you have on your website, you will earn money out of it.

Very simple concept. Is not it? 

Unfortunately, it is not. That is the reason, you should read my article on How To Start A Blog to get an idea of how you get into blogging and earn money from it.

Blogging Vs Youtube

Don’t you wonder how someone can earn money from blogging?

We never heard of any visitors paying money when they visit a website. Right? Well, we should say thanks to social media and the digital revolution which is helping us to earn money from blogging.

Below is a list of income sources through which you can earn money from blogging.

  • Advertisement
  • Affiliate Marketing
  • Sponsored Reviews
  • Product Promotions
  • Selling Digital Products
  • eCommerce

Let’s move on to YouTube.

What Is YouTube

YouTube is a video-sharing platform offered by Google, where you can upload and share knowledgeable videos.

Google places ads on your videos and when someone watches those ads on your videos, you get paid.

Youtube Vs Blogging

You can upload videos on anything except some restrictive categories set by Google. You can earn a good amount of money if you are a successful YouTuber.

The below list shows a few earning sources from YouTube.

  • Advertisement
  • Affiliate Marketing
  • Paid Promotions

Now we know how can we earn money from Blogging and YouTube. Right?

But earning money from both these platforms is not easy. You will have to do a lot of hard work to earn money.

It’s a wise choice to try both platforms concurrently as both platforms have many similarities and few differences.

We can use the similarities to multiply the outcome of our efforts and differences we can handle separately.

So let’s find out the similarities between Blogging and YouTube in terms of content and effort that you make.

Blogging Vs YouTube Similarities

Original Content

Both platforms need original content. You are likely to get caught early if you use other YouTuber’s content and the same goes for Blogging as well.

Google is very serious about copyright infringement and your ability to earn from Google AdSense will be terminated for life if you use any copyrighted content on your YouTube channel or Blog.

Hard Work

Both blogging and YouTube need hard work to get successful. There is no shortcut. Depending upon your niche, sometimes you may need a whole day to make a video or write an article. So keep working hard until you get what you want.


If you are about to get into blogging or YouTube just for earning quick money then you better shift the reverse gear.

No matter how much you try you won’t be able to earn money quickly from any of these two platforms. More than 50% of bloggers or YouTubers leave these platforms within one year as they were not making any money.

So you have to keep on working hard and if everything goes well you may be able to earn in 2 to 3 years. The best part is that once you start earning there is no limit.

SEO knowledge

Both platforms need at least basic SEO knowledge. You may have created a very nice article or a video but unless those come in search results, there is no use. You need to get some ideas and best practices about SEO before you land on any of these two platforms.

Little Bit Of Investment

Blogging and YouTube need a fair amount of investment at the beginning. For blogging, you need to buy a domain name and hosting. For YouTube, you will have to buy equipment like a Mic, a Camera, etc.

Frankly speaking, you can start a YouTube channel without any high-end camera or mic but those cameras and mics make a huge difference in video quality. So if your budget permits go for some basic investment before you create a youtube channel or a blog.

Youtube Vs Blogging: Differences


On YouTube, you can upload only videos but in blogging, you can upload videos as well as articles. In that sense, blogging makes it more logical as the content type is versatile and you can earn more.


YouTube is owned by Google. They have set certain guidelines and regulations for YouTubers. Violating those rules may lead your account to be suspended.

On the other hand, blogging is owned by you and you set your own rules. No fear of account suspensions and if for some reason Google AdSense is terminated, you have so many options to earn.

Earning Options

Blogging has a wide range of earning options compare to YouTube where your options are restricted to AdSense and affiliate marketing.


Absolutely no customizations on YouTube. Whatever Google gives, you have to be happy with it. On the other hand, Blogging is your den. Do whatever you want to do as per your liking and customize it the way you want.

YouTube Vs Blogging: Which One Should You Start?

Let’s try to find out the best platform based on certain criteria. On some criteria, YouTube may score high and on some, it may be blogging. Let’s find out.

Do You Want To Earn Money?

Yes, everyone needs money. YouTube and blogging can help you to earn money. You will start earning relatively faster on YouTube but in the long run, blogging yields more revenue.

Do You Want Fame?

If the answer is yes, then YouTube is the best platform to choose. Blogging won’t be able to expose you the way you want for getting fame.

Do You Want An Audience Base?

If you would like to expand the audience base quickly then YouTube can be a better option. No matter how much traffic you have on your blog, but it can not match the audience base of YouTube.

How About Trying Both YouTube And Blogging?

If you can manage both platforms concurrently, then nothing can beat you from earning money. Many visitors may not like reading, but for them watching the same content in video format is a blessing.

YouTube and Blogging are like two sides of a coin. You have to carry both to yield maximum profits.

Conclusion: Blogging Vs Youtube Channel

Both YouTube and blogging are great tools for earning money. My personal suggestion would be to stick to both YouTube and blogging if your time permits.

If not start with YouTube first to build an audience base. Once you decide to start blogging, those audiences can give you an early push in your blogging journey.

That’s all I have in this article. Hopefully, you got some useful information from this article. If you have any questions, then do write in the comment section and I will be happy to answer you.

FAQ | Blogging Vs YouTube

Who Earns More, Blogger Or Youtuber?

Youtuber starts earning money quickly but in the long run, blogging earns you more money.

The reason is that, in blogging, you have endless sources of earning money whereas, on YouTube, it is only AdSense and affiliate marketing

Blog Vs Vlog: What Is The Difference?

Blogging is very similar to a website where you will find articles on a particular topic with texts, images, graphics, and sometimes videos.

Whereas, Vlog is a platform where the publisher uploads only video content on a particular subject.

There are many blogging platforms available where you can start blogging. Similarly, we have many Vlogging platforms like YouTube where you can upload videos.


Rajib Is The Founder Of RiansTech. A Seasonal Blogger And A Full-Time Product Designer For Over Two Decades. A Technology Freak And Loves To Write About It. RiansTech Is A Online Home For Him Where He Documents His Experiences And Learnings So That Others Can Get Benefited From It.
