Top 5 Ways to Increase Alexa Traffic Rank

Having a good Alexa Rank for their blog plays a big role if someone wants to get successful in a blogging career. Although there is no evidence that Alexa Rank can affect SEO but a good Alexa Rank can help to build the reputation of a website.

Unfortunately, there is no proper guideline on how to rank websites in Alexa. So in this article, I will talk about the Top 5 Ways to Increase Alexa Traffic Rank.

What Is Alexa Ranking

Alexa is a web information company that collects data on websites and ranks those accordingly.

It is a competitive ranking to show how your website stands against other websites. It shows how you rank worldwide and also specific country-wise from where the website is getting more traffic.

Increase Alexa Traffic Rank

How Alexa Rank Websites

Alexa collects a different set of data from websites which mainly included traffic data, backlinks, external links, etc., It also collects information about the bounce rate and keyword matrices. Below are some parameters which Alexa considers while ranking websites.

  • How the traffic is flowing to a website
  • Total time spent by a visitor
  • Quality of views
  • Bounce rate
  • Number of Inbound and Outbound links
  • Count of social media share
  • How fast the site loads
  • The interface of the website

Why do you need Alexa Rank?

The popularity of a website cannot be entirely determined by Alexa Ranking, It’s true that Alexa Ranking plays a role but other factors like domain authority (DA), and page authority play a major role.

If the Alexa Rank is good it is assumed that the DA & PA will also be good. Some companies look into Alexa Ranking before giving advertisements to that website. So it’s good to have a good Alexa Ranking.

How to improve Alexa Ranking?

Frankly speaking, you can’t do much to improve the ranking. You just have to keep on posting articles and make sure there is enough traffic to your website.

If traffic is increasing, automatically Alexa Rank will also rank. But unless you follow some best practices, only writing articles won’t help.

How frequently does Alexa change the ranking

There is no definite rule and you can’t be sure when they change ranking.

If your website ranking is more than a million, then updates will be less frequent but for Ranking less than a million, it changes daily ( Exceptions are applicable).

Does Alexa Rank affect SEO?

Well, there is no relation between Alexa rank and SEO but if your Alexa rank is good you will enjoy more traffic to your website.

As we already know that one of the key factors for good Alexa ranking is the number of backlinks and traffic. So if you have more backlinks your traffic will improve and at the same time, your Alexa rank will also improve.

How To Increase Alexa Traffic Rank

Alexa Tool Bar

Having the Alexa toolbar can improve the website Alexa’s ranking if the current ranking is less than a million. But don’t expect a wonder here. If it is so, everyone would have installed the Alexa toolbar and improved their website ranking overnight.

What the Alexa toolbar does is it detects the number of time and how much time you spend on the website.

That data helps Alexa to think about whether it should improve its ranking or not. Since the Alexa toolbar is installed on your local machine, so it is expected that you will only visit your website and that’s the reason there won’t be much improvement in ranking.

To install Alexa Tool Bar you will have to follow the below process.

  • Go to the Alexa Toolbar page
  • Click on install the toolbar
  • Alexa will install the toolbar based on the browser you have
Increase Alexa Traffic Rank
Alexa Toolbar

Alexa Widget

Alexa toolbar counts the visit to your website. But you can’t be sure if someone has installed the Alexa toolbar or not. If the visitor does not have the Alexa toolbar, then Alexa can not detect hits and Alexa’s rank won’t improve.

That is where the Alexa widget can help. You can install the Alexa Widget on your website and place it on the sidebar.

So whenever anyone visits your website, the Alexa widget can detect the visit and improve the ranking.

Write Content Regularly

Content is king. No one likes to visit a website which was not been updated for a long time. You need to adopt a practice to upload content regularly.

In the worst case, two articles per week should work. I see many people don’t upload content for a month but all of a sudden in a day they upload 10 articles. This practice won’t help and you need to upload regularly instead of all at once.

Write Original Content

Google is strict about duplicate content, and Alexa also considers original content a key factor for ranking. Original content helps in two ways.

It helps to rank those articles in the search result and Alexa loves original articles. On top of that if the article is unique there is a good chance that it will get viral easily and can pull enormous traffic.

Social Media Share

There will be hardly anyone nowadays who is not connected to social media. So if any article is shared on social media websites, it can help to pull traffic.

Also, it’s a known fact that the more we share an article on social media, the more popular it will be considering that the article has original and useful content.

Personally, I observed that if I share an article on Pinterest, it gets ranked more quickly than on any other platform.

But it’s a best practice to share articles to the maximum possible social media websites to get the maximum exposure.

Bonus Tips: Optimize Website for Speed

In 2023 speed matters to rank a website. A website having more than 3 seconds of load time loses more than 50 % of traffic.

A slow website also affects the bounce rate as people hate to wait. So a website needs to be very fast to load if it needs to have a good Alexa ranking. Here is an article that talks about How To Speed Up WordPress Performance

Conclusion: Increase Alexa Traffic Rank

If anyone follows the above best practices, it might help to achieve a good Alexa ranking. But there is no assurance that these tricks will surely boost ranking as Alexa’s Ranking depends on many other factors.

Also, Alexa changes the algorithm of ranking very frequently.

That’s all I have in this article. Hopefully, you got some useful information from this article. If you have any questions, write in the comment section and I will be happy to answer you.


Rajib Is The Founder Of RiansTech. A Seasonal Blogger And A Full-Time Product Designer For Over Two Decades. A Technology Freak And Loves To Write About It. RiansTech Is A Online Home For Him Where He Documents His Experiences And Learnings So That Others Can Get Benefited From It.
