Rank Math Content AI Review : 10 Powerful Reasons To Consider This AI Assistant

$8.99 $10.99 GRAB THE DEAL

AI (Artificial Intelligence) is the future. The blogging world is adopting it rapidly because it saves your time and effort.

Google does not like AI-generated content. However, there is nothing wrong in optimizing contents using AI.

There are a bunch of AI tools available in the market. It’s tough to choose the best. But when an establish tool like Rank Math brings AI feature, it is hard to resist.

Yes, Rank Math Content AI is a new module added to Rank Math which is already a feature loaded SEO plugin.

In this article, we will review the Rank Math Content AI tool, which is a revolutionary tool invented by the Rank Math team.

We will discuss the Rank Math Content AI tool in detail, the key features it brings to the tables, the toolsets it offers, and how it can improve your content writing experience.

Trust me, Rank Math can change the way we used to write content over the years. Its a revolution. Its a game changer tool that can write better contents for you.

Remember, Rank Math is the first company to bring AI functionality inside WordPress. First, they stormed the SEO world by launching Rank Math, and now it’s the turn for Content AI.

If you have not heard about Rank Math and do not know much about what Rank Math offers, I would suggest you to head over to the Rank Math Review article and then come back to this article.

Excited? Let’s get into it. I am sure, you will learn something new today.

Rank Math Content AI Up To 18% off

18K Monthly Keyword Credits
40+ AI Tools
125+ Promts
$8.99$10.99 grab deal

Table of Contents

What Is Rank Math Content AI?

Rank Math Content AI is not an AI copywriting tool. It’s an AI assistant inside WordPress that will help you to write better content.

Content AI can help you to find keywords, write content around it, optimize existing contents and much more. It will help you in every step of content writing.

Content AI is integrated into Rank Math. You don’t have to install any additional plugins. All you need to do is to enable the Content AI module inside Rank Math and that will open up the access to 40+ AI tools for you. Is not that great?

Content AI module is available in the free version of Rank Math with limited features and low credits. To explore the full list of features, you need to switch to any of the premium plans.

The workflow of Content AI is divided into these broad categories.

  • Content AI Research
  • Content AI Word Generation
  • Content AI Image ALT Text Generation
  • Rank Bot

Here is a nice video by the Rank Math team to showcase the functionalities of Rank Math Content AI.

How To Access Rank Math Content AI?

To access Content AI ( Even in the free version of Rank Math) you need to click on Rank Math-> Dashboard and toggle the switch for Content AI.

After that, the content AI menu will be listed under the Rank Math menu in the sidebar.

Rank Math Content Ai Review_ How To Access Rank Math Content AI
How To Access Rank Math Content AI

Rank Math Content AI Vs Human

Can AI (Artificial intelligence) ever outperform human?

Probably Yes, if we are late in adopting AI.

We have a misconception about AI. We feel that AI will replace our work. But that is not the fact. AI can also make our lives easy. It’s up to us how we use AI.

In the context of Rank Math Content AI, it can help you to write better content but it won’t replace your work. However, if you want, Content AI can also write for you. Now it’s up to you how you use Content AI.

Traditional content writing process is very boring. You need to spend time on researching keywords, finding blog post ideas, creating outlines and then writing the content.

We spend a considerable amount of time in these above mentioned activities.

How about a tool that can do these job for you. Sounds crazy? That what Content AI is all about. It will take the load from your shoulder so that you can concentrate on something bigger.

Do you know Rank Math Content AI can do keyword research barely in minutes whereas we take hours using conventional keyword research tools?

The same goes true for new post ideas or post outlines. We usually spend several hours researching but Content AI can give you the output in minutes.

Content AI can also write content for you but after the Google March 2024 update, it is not advisable to use this feature. Even if you do, you need to add some human content writing flavor to it.

Does Content AI tool is all about getting your work done in less time?

No, its not only about the speed but it is also about the quality. Content AI can write better quality content for you provided you have the right inputs for it.

Rank Math Content AI Review_ Content AI Vs Human
Content AI Vs Human

How Rank Math Content AI Works?

As the name suggests, Content AI uses AI technology. AI works on the existing data that is available. If there are not enough contents on a certain topic, Content AI may not be able to help you. That is the beauty and also the drawback of AI technology.

Rank Math Content AI Review_ How Rank Math Content AI Works
How Rank Math Content AI Works

In most cases, Content AI works well as it gets the data from different reliable sources including Search Engine Result Pages (SERP). That is the reason it can offer suggestions that can help you to get the SERP advantage.

Whenever you give inputs ( For example keywords) to Content AI, it sends the data to the central AI server which collects the relevant suggestion using Rank Math’s proprietary algorithm and then outputs the same to the user.

Content AI curates the search engine data and based on your keywords suggests the best post title, post outline, and also the content.

For example, if content AI finds that for a certain keyword, the top 10 articles contain 1500 words, it will suggest writing more than 1500 words to get the SERP advantage. This is just one example, there are hundreds of suggestions Content AI will offer you during the content creation process.

To make things easy for you, the Content AI toolbar is available right below the Rank Math pillar as you can see in the below picture.

Rank Math Content AI Review_ Content AI Toolbar
Rank Math Content AI Toolbar

Content AI ensures that your articles are not only good for humans but for search engines too. That way it will maximize your chance to do good in search engine ranking.

Rank Math Content AI Key Features [ Reasons To Consider Content AI ]

There are a plethora of features that Rank Math Content AI carries. Here is a snippet of what Rank Math offers.

1. Integrates With WordPress

Most AI tools force you to use their platform, get suggestions, and implement the same in your WordPress blog.

Rank Math Content AI Review_ Content AI Features_1
Rank Math Is Integrated With WordPress

In contrast, Content AI is built into Rank Math. All you need to do is to toggle the Content AI switch and you are done. You don’t have to leave WordPress or install any plugins.

2. 40+ AI Tools

Once you toggle the AI switch, you will be presented with over 40+ AI tools that can elevate your content writing experience.

Rank Math Content AI Review_ 40+ AI Tools
40+ AI Tools

Starting from keyword research to content creation, Content AI has numerous tools to help you out. You will never left out of any feature that you may need in your day to day content writing journey.

3. Content AI Credit [ Even In The Free Version]

Even in the free version of Content AI, you will get 750 credits to try their system. To use content AI efficiently, you will badly need a premium plan.

Content AI works on the credit point system. Here is the breakdown of how the credit will be used.

  • Content AI Research [ 500 Credits]
  • Content AI Word Generation [ 01 Credit Per word ]
  • Content AI Image ALT Text Generation [ 50 Credit Per Image ]
  • Rank Bot [ 01 Credit Per word ]

4. Search Engine Optimized Content

Content AI with its advanced AI technology offers suggestions that are curated from search engine result pages.

Rank Math Content AI Review _ Search Engine Optimized Content
Search Engine Optimized Content

The ultimate result is SEO-optimized suggestions for content titles, meta tags, meta descriptions, open graphs, and other key elements that are crucial for enhancing your search engine ranking.

5. Optimized Content Based On Target Audience And Tone

Many blogs fail as their contents fail to target the targeted audience. If you are on a specific niche, your content should be curated for those targeted audiences only. Then only you will get a better ROI.

Rank Math Content AI Review_ Optimized Content Based On Target Audience
Optimized Content Based On Target Audience

Rank Math content AI can do that job for you and curate the suggestion based on your targeted audience.

The beauty of Rank Math Content AI is that it can also curate content based on the tone. For example, it could be formal, it could be persuasive, etc.

6. Support For Gutenberg, And Even For Classic Editor

Rank Math Content AI supports Gutenberg editor. However, the interesting part is, that it also supports the classic editor.

In case, you are still using classic editor, especially if you use WooCommerce, you can still enjoy the features of Content AI.

Rank Math Content AI also supports other third-party tools like Elementor and Divi Builder.

Rank Math Content AI Classic Editor Interface
Rank Math Content AI Classic Editor Interface

7. 125+ Supercharged Prompts

You can’t go wrong when you have Content AI. In your content writing process, Content AI will constantly monitor you and will show prompts if you have missed something.

125+ Supercharged Promts
Rank Math Content AI Prompts

This is something very crucial as you would have done a complete rework if those prompts were not shown to you during your content writing process.

8. Support For Meta Title, Meta Description, And Open Graphs

Meta title and meta description are the two crucial SEO elements that all search engines look into to discover the content of your article.

Documenting these two elements with SEO content is essential. Rank Math Content AI can assist you in writing SEO-optimized Meta titles and meta descriptions within minutes.

Rank Math Content AI Review 11
Support For Meta Title, Meta Description, And Open Graphs

Do you know, that Content AI can also bulk generate SEO titles and descriptions in one click in case you have not optimized it before during content generation?

On top of that, Content AI also supports open graph meta tags which is the SEO-optimized way to share your content on Social Media.

9. Rank Bot: Your Own AI Personal Assistant

In case you love interactive AI content, shoot anything to Rank Bot and it has an answer for you. Be it a question or a keyword, a title, or even the meta tag, Rank Bot has something for you.

Rank Math Content AI Review_Rank Bot
Rank Bot Interface

You can also do multiple Rank Bot sessions in case you are working on multiple projects at a time. Please remember that Rank Bot will consume one credit per word suggestion. So use the tool wisely if you are short of Content AI credit.

10. Intuitive Interface

Features are of no use if you don’t have an intuitive interface where all options are easily available.

Rank Math Content AI offers one of the best and most intuitive interfaces where you are just one click away from accessing any of the Content AI tools.

Rank Math Content AI review_User Interface
Rank Mant Content User Interface

With a dedicated advanced toolbar and AI command center, things get much easier for you to optimize content using Content AI.

Rank Math Content AI Key Tools

Content AI tools are divided into five groups as shown below. In total, there are 40+ tools available in the free as well as in the premium versions.

  • SEO
  • Blog
  • Marketing & Sales
  • eCommerce
  • Misc.

Rank Math Content AI SEO Features

Here are the tools available under the SEO section of Rank Math Content AI

  • Topic Research
  • SEO Title
  • SEO Description
  • SEO Meta

Topic Research

Under topic research, Content AI can find your topics based on inputs like the summary of the topic, relevance, target audience, and focus keyword.

Content AI can suggest multiple topics based on your input but you can control that number to save on your credit.

Rank Math Content AI review_Topic Research
Rank Math Content AI Topic Research Interface

SEO Title

Based on your focus keyword, targeted audience, tone, and brief about your post, Content AI can suggest titles that are SEO friendly and can help you to get the search ranking advantage.

Rank Math Content AI review_SEO Title
Rank Math Content AI SEO Title Interface

SEO Description

Like the SEO title, Content AI can also suggest an SEO description based on the same input you gave to the tool for the SEO title.

Rank Math Content AI review_SEO Description
Rank Math Content AI SEO Description Interface

SEO Meta

SEO Meta is a key element for content writing. Rank Math content AI can help you here too with its advanced AI technology.

Rank Math Content AI review_SEO Meta
Rank Math Content AI SEO meta Interface

Rank Math Content AI Blog Features

Here are the tools available under the Blog section of Rank Math Content AI.

  • Blog post idea
  • Blog post outline
  • Blog post introduction
  • Blog post conclusion
  • Post Title
  • Paragraph
  • Paragraph rewriter
  • Comment Reply

Blog Post Idea

Content AI can help you with your blog idea based on the niche, targeted audience, tone, and writing style.

Rank Math Content AI Review_Blog Post Idea
Rank Math Content AI Blog Post Idea Interface

Blog Post Outline

Once you decide on the blog post idea, you can set focus keywords and a couple of main points and Content AI will give you the Blog post outline which will generally contain the headings and subheadings.

Rank Math Content AI Review_Blog Post outline
Rank Math Content AI Blog Post Outline Interface

Blog Post Introduction

Writing the intro is always a big challenge as it will set the tone for the complete article. Content AI can help you here also based on your title, focus keyword, audience, and tone.

Rank Math Content AI Review_Blog Post introduction
Rank Math Content AI Blog Post Introduction Interface

Blog Post Conclusion

Similar to the blog post introduction, Content AI can write the blog post conclusion also based on the similar input that you provided during the blog post introduction. You can also write a compelling call to action button using Content AI in the blog post conclusion section.

Rank Math Content AI Review_Blog Post conclusion
Rank Math Content AI Blog Post Conclusion Interface

Post Title

Once you provide the post brief, audience, tone, and writing style, content AI will give you suggestions on a compelling post title that is SEO-friendly too.

Rank Math Content AI Review_Blog Post title
Rank Math Content AI Post Title Interface

Paragraph Writer And Rewriter

Yes, content AI can write paragraphs for you based on the topic, arguments, and supporting facts. Not only that, but it can also rewrite the paragraph in case there is a change in focus keyword, audience, or the writing tone.

Rank Math Content AI Review_paragraph writter and rewritter
Rank Math Content AI Paragraph Rewriter Interface

Comment Reply

That’s a very interesting feature. You can use content AI to write compelling replies to your visitor comments with basic inputs like original comments, focus keywords, tone, and targeted audience.

Rank Math Content AI Review_comment reply
Rank Math Content AI Comment Reply Interface

Rank Math Content AI Marketing & Sales Features

Once you have an excellent SEO-friendly post, Content AI will help you to promote your post with its impressive list of marketing and sales tools.

Some of the tools like Facebook posts, Twitter posts, Twitter replies, or emails can come in handy in your busy schedule. Content AI will also take care of Open Graph meta tags which are important to rank your post higher in social media.

Other tools like YouTube video scripts and YouTube video descriptions could be a game changer if you want to publish content on YouTube.

Here are some of the features available under the Marketing And Sales column.

  • Facebook Post
  • Tweet
  • Tweet Reply
  • Instagram Caption
  • Email
  • Email Reply
  • AIDA [ Attention-Interest-Desire-Action]
  • IDCA [Identity-Develop-Communicate-Ask]
  • PAS [ Problem-Agitate-Solution]
  • HERO
  • SPIN
  • BAB [Before-After-Bridge]
  • YouTube Script
  • YouTube Video Description
  • Podcast Outline
  • Open Graph Meta Tags

Rank Math Content AI eCommerce Features

If you are using WooCommerce then Content AI is a must as it brings some of the exciting AI tools that can help you to sell better.

Some of the available tools are shown below.

  • Product Description
  • Product Pros and Cons
  • Product Review
  • Frequently Asked Questions
  • Testimonials

Product Description

If you give the product name, features & benefits, targeted audience, tone, and focus keyword, content AI can write SEO-friendly product descriptions in no time.

Rank Math Content AI Review_Product description
Rank Math Content AI Product Description Interface

Product Pros And Cons

For product pros and cons, you need to provide the limitations and the drawbacks along with the features, benefits, and content AI can craft a list of pros and cons.

Rank Math Content AI Review_Product pros and cons
Rank Math Content AI Product Pros And Cons Interface

Product Review

Writing a product review is always painful but not when you have content AI. Just feed it with the features & benefits and the limitations or drawback and the content AI will come up with an SEO-friendly product review for you.

Rank Math Content AI Review_Product review
Rank Math Content AI Product Review Interface

Frequently Asked Questions [ FAQ ]

If you input the topic, audience, focus keyword, and tone, Rank Math Content AI can help you with the list of Frequently Asked Questions [ FAQ ].

Rank Math Content AI Review_Product FAQ
Rank Math Content AI FAQ Interface


Hmm, Content AI can write testimonials too. Just enter the product name or service, its features & benefits, along with the drawbacks, focus keyword, and tone, and here you go. Content AI will draft a testimonial for you.

Rank Math Content AI Review_testimonials
Rank Math Content AI Testimonial Interface

Rank Math Content AI Misc Features

Under the Miscellaneous section following tools are available which may not be needed during your day to day content writing process but can be a good addition for some occasional use.

  • Personal Bio
  • Company Bio
  • Job description
  • AI Command
  • Freeform writing
  • Fix grammar
  • Analogy
  • Text Summarizer
  • Sentence Expander

How To Configure Content AI?

Configuring Content AI is very easy. You only need to toggle the switch for Content AI under Rank Math -> Dashboard and you will see the Content AI setting right below the dashboard option.

To access the Content AI default setting page, go to Rank Math -> General Setting, and the below setting page will show up.

content AI general settings
Content AI General Setting

Here you can set the following global settings.

  • Default Country
  • Default Tone
  • Default Audience
  • Default Language
  • Post Type

Content AI Default Country

Unless you are targeting a specific geography, you should leave it as ‘Worldwide’. Your keyword search result will be tailored based on the geography you select.

For example, if you run a WooCommerce store and sell your products only in India, then you set the default country as India.

Content AI Default Tone

The default tone is formal. However based on the content type, you can choose numerous other tones like informal, friendly, casual, conversational, etc. The content AI output will vary based on your selection.

Content AI Default Audience

If you are targeting a specific audience category, you should make the selection here. Otherwise, you are good with the ‘General Audience’.

Content AI Default Language

US English is the default language. However, based on your content and targeted audience you are free to choose any language.

Content AI Post Type

You can choose a post or page that you want to optimize using Content AI.

You will also see the Content AI credit information on the default setting page. It will show the remaining credits left and you can also buy Content AI credit using the link available on that page.

Decoding The Content AI Keyword Result

When you optimize your contents using Content AI, you will be presented with a list of data. The results are highlighted in different colors so that you know where you need to pay more attention.

  • Green: Passed
  • Orange: Partially Passed
  • Red: Failed
  • Dark Red: Overused

Content AI will show the following sets of data.

  • The Overall Score
  • Word Count Suggestion
  • Link Count Suggestion
  • Media Count Suggestion
  • Header Count
  • Related Keyword
  • Related Questions [ FAQ]
  • Related External Links
The Overall Score Of The Content

Based on the focus keyword and the content that you have already written, Content AI will give you a score out of 100. The higher the score, the better the SERP that you can expect.

Rank Math Content AI review
Word Count Suggestion

Content AI will suggest how many words your article should have to outperform competitors. Based on that you can modify your content.

Rank Math Content AI review

Content AI will suggest how many internal and external links your content should have to outperform the top 10 in SERP for the related keyword. You can accordingly build links.

Rank Math Content AI review
Media Count Suggestion

Content AI will also suggest how many images and videos your content should have related to your content.

Rank Math Content AI review
Header Count Suggestion

Based on the focus keyword and the content, Rank Math Content AI will guide you on how many headers your article should have. It will also give the break up of different headers like H2, H3, H4, H5, and H6.

Rank Math Content AI review

You will also get the following information based on your focus keyword.

Based on the focus keyword Content AI will suggest other related keywords that you can use in your content.

FAQ plays a big role in SERP. Based on the focus keyword you will be presented with a list of frequently asked questions that you can document in your article using the Rank Math FAQ command.

One of the best part of Content AI is that it also suggests the external links that your content should link to. Otherwise, we would have spent hours gathering those links.

Rank Math Content AI Vs Other AI Writing Assistant

Here is a snippet of where Rank Math Content AI stands against other AI writing assistants. Most of the tools are good at writing content but not good at SEO-optimized content.

On top of that, except for Rank Math none of the tools can be integrated with WordPress. The annual subscription fee is also on the higher side.

Rank Math Content AI Vs Other AI Writing Assistant
Rank Math Content AI Vs Other AI Writing Assistant

Rank Math Content AI Plans And Pricing

Rank Math Content AI has a free as well as premium plans. The free plan can be activated as soon as you toggle the Content AI switch in the Rank Math Dashboard.

The free plan carries 750 content AI credits which are good enough to familiarize yourself with the Content AI tool. However, you will miss some essential features like custom prompts and researching competitors.

Here are the differences between the free plan and the premium plan.

Content AI Free Vs Premium Plans
Content AI Free Vs Premium Plans

You can switch to any Content AI premium plan if you want to use the tool at its full potential. The pricing is also very aggressive

A total of three plans are on offer having the name Starter, Creator, and Expert. The only difference between all three plans is in the number of credits they offer.

Please remember, any leftover credits can not be carry forwarded to the next month. So you need to exhaust all your credits in that particular month only.

Original price
offer price
45K Monthly Credits
Original price
offer price
Value for money
18K Monthly Credits
Original price
offer price
7.5K Monthly Credits
Original price
offer price

Rank Math Content AI Pros And Cons

  • A free version is available with 750 content AI credits
  • Very intuitive interface and all options are neatly organized
  • Support for both classic editor and Gutenberg
  • It saves a lot of time
  • Integration with WordPress is seamless
  • Fantastic support as always
  • Very aggressive pricing [ One of the cheapest AI tools in the market ]
  • The suggestions may not be as good as a human can do.
  • Too much dependency on search engine databases.
  • The website database could be bloated if you use all the content AI features.

Conclusion: Shall We Try Rank Math Content AI?

I don’t feel anyone would mind switching to Content AI if they are already using other AI tools. It brings a ton of features at a very aggressive pricing.

Trust me, you won’t get such a lengthy feature list in any of the AI tools. One more thing you need to consider is that Rank Math Content AI integrates with WordPress which other tools lack.

So in case you are using WordPress, Content AI is a great tool that should try. With 750 credits, you are good to explore most of its features.

FAQ | Rank Math Content AI

What Is Content AI In Rank Math?

Content AI is an AI assistant tool offered by Rank Math that can be easily integrated with your WordPress environment. It can offer different suggestions and prompts that can help you to write better SEO optimized contents which may do good in Search Engine Result Pages [SERP]

Is Content AI A Copywriting Tool?

No, Content AI is not a standalone copywriting tool, however, it has all the features that an AI copywriter tool has. On top of that, it also acts as an AI assistant that helps you in your content generation process by offering various suggestions and prompts.

Is Rank Math Content AI Worth It?

Yes. The pricing complements the feature list and you will not get similar tools at the same price in the market. On top of that, the tool integrates with WordPress which is a plus.

Rank Math Content AI Review : 10 Powerful Reasons To Consider This AI Assistant
Rank Math Content AI Review : 10 Powerful Reasons To Consider This AI Assistant
$8.99 $10.99

Rajib Is The Founder Of RiansTech. A Seasonal Blogger And A Full-Time Product Designer For Over Two Decades. A Technology Freak And Loves To Write About It. RiansTech Is A Online Home For Him Where He Documents His Experiences And Learnings So That Others Can Get Benefited From It.
